A Wide Range of Practices

Patterson Buchanan offers general counsel and transactional services in both private and public sector law in multiple states. We also maintain certain practices for clients, including our corporate, faith-based, and municipal clients, at their request. Our broad litigation background affords our clients practical solutions to ongoing issues, transactions, and risk management. We believe that litigation defense begins by eliminating risk exposure before it occurs. However, where a claim or lawsuit appears inevitable, we are prepared to aggressively defend our clients' interests.Some of our additional areas of practice include:

  • Personnel/Human Resources/Employment
  • Open meetings and public records law
  • Disability law
  • Administrative law, including administrative and quasi-judicial hearings
  • Products liability
  • Contract drafting & review
  • Complaint investigation and statutory compliance
  • Risk management
  • Staff and stakeholder training
  • Employment arbitration
  • Best practices

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