Experienced. Pragmatic. Effective.
Our firm has found that in sexual abuse litigation, it truly matters who your counsel is. Patterson Buchanan maintains an exceptionally strong practice focused on defending high profile sexual abuse litigation. Whether serving a public entity, private company, or community of faith, our firm maintains the infrastructure to provide effective representation in the most complex and egregious cases, including those involving multiple plaintiffs or abuse alleged over the course of decades. Our practice history in this area is without peer. For instance, in 1997 twelve-year-old student Vili Fualaau began having sexual relations with his teacher, Mary K. Letourneau, resulting in two children. In addition to worldwide media coverage, the affair led to a lawsuit alleging millions of dollars in damages against the Washington school district that employed her. After extensive discovery and an eleven-week jury trial, our attorneys won the case outright for the defense. Since that success, our practice and strength in handling such complex cases has only continued to grow, including a national reputation for preventative practices and strong defense to such claims. These types of cases often involve claims critical of hiring practices, supervision, or detection of abuse or grooming behavior. We have handled hundreds of such cases and have advised clients on employee terminations, other personnel actions, preventive training and practices related to sexual misconduct and boundary invasions. Every case is emotional and holds potential for significant exposure. The need for immediate legal counsel experienced in defense of liability, damages, and client reputation is clear. Meeting this need—your need—is our mission. Sexual abuse litigation requires a specialized skill set. The problem is that very few practicing attorneys in the nation have the ability to provide such a defense. Often this fact is not realized until it’s too late. In these types of cases, we urge you not take chances. We have defended and advised clients in numerous states. Our attorneys have written and spoken extensively on this subject; and we are available nationwide in a consultative capacity, for risk management and training, or for retention as panel counsel.